It can be challenging to provide a specific quote for tax preparation since we will not know ALL your details until your return has been completed.  Over 95% of our tax clients returned to us last year, which we attribute to fair pricing, good advice, and exceptional customer service.

Our minimum fee for the preparation of a 1040 tax return is $395.

Even with our commitment to fair pricing, many people still want an “idea” of what we charge. The examples below are a few scenarios of pricing:

Business Trust and Estate Returns

Business Tax Returns – (S-Corp, LLC, LP, C-Corp)

Business tax returns start at $995.  In 2024, our average price was around $1600 for these types of returns.

Trusts and Estates – Form 1041 Filing

Rates start at $995.  In 2024, our average price was around $1400.

Estate Tax Returns – Form 706 and DSUE Filing

Rates for Form 706 Filing begin at $2,500. However, if you are filing for a DSUE (Deceased Spouse Unused Exemption), our fee is $995 if total estate assets are below $10mm and start at $1,995 if estate assets are $10mm or more. 

Estate Tax Returns are sophisticated tax returns that should be prepared by tax professionals who can demonstrate their ability to complete them properly. This type of return has the highest audit rate and you want to be sure it is done right the FIRST time.